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Etru in the world

The museum's mission is to promote the collections and culture of the Etruscans. The value of its items is recognized in Italy and worldwide. Other museums and institutions require them on loan for thematic exhibitions.

Here we point out our works currently on loan, in Italy and around the world

24 novembre 2017-25 marzo 2018

Rituels grecs: un'expérience sensible { info }

Toulouse, Musée Saint-Raymond, Musée des Antiques de Toulouse

On loan

Hydria Ricci (530-520 a. C.)

16 novembre 2017-19 febbraio 2018

ODISSEE. Diaspore, invenzioni, migrazioni, viaggi, pellegrinaggi { info }

Torino, Palazzo Madama, Corte medioevale

On loan

Hydria con accecamento di Polifemo (530 - 520 a.C.)

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