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Prepare your visit

All the practical information you were looking for

time icon

Tuesday - Sunday 08.30am - 07.30pm (Rooms closed at 07.00pm)

(last entry 6.30 PM)
Closed: LUN, 25/12 e 1/01

Villa Poniatowski Branch

Villa Poniatowski is open from May to October on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 3 to 7 p.m., last admission 6:30 p.m.
Closed on the first Sunday of the month

The ticket have to be made at Villa Giulia and is valid for both sites

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Villa Giulia

Piazzale di Villa Giulia, 9
00196 Roma, Italia

Tram numbers 2 and 19
Metro A Flaminio

ticket icon

Full price 12 €

Reduced price 2 €

To avoid gatherings at the entrance and waiting times, for groups over 10 units it is mandatory to report the day and time of visit to the following email address

Scheduled openings and closures

Opening hours: Tuesday-Sunday 8.30 am - 7.30 pm (last admission 6.30 pm, closing of rooms 7.00 pm).

Closed on Monday, 25 December and 1 January.

Sunday 26 January, 9 and 23 February, 9 and 23 march from 10am to 4pm
Wednesday 5 February  for schools by reservation 

Some rooms may be closed temporarily or have limited opening hours during fit-out work. 
Some exhibits could be temporarily on loan.

The Ori Castellani room will be closed on the first Sundays of the month with free admission.

Villa Poniatowski is open from May to October on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 3 to 7 p.m., last admission 6:30 p.m.
Closed on the first Sunday of the month

We inform you that this Institute is committed to offer to our public an extended visiting hour as wide as possible, in compliance with the basic criteria standards for the opening to the visiting public, the safety control and the security of museums and places of state culture as stated D.M. – Ministerial Decree – of June 30th 2016, waiting for the completion of the planned insolvency procedures aimed at overcoming the current organic staff shortcomings and the consequent increase of the personnel in service


How to reach us

Piazzale di Villa Giulia 9
00196 Rome, Italy

tram numbers 2, 3 and 19; metro A Flaminio
14-minute walk from the Flaminio stop of Metro Line A
From Fiumicino
From Civitavecchia
(information from Google Map)

Via della Riserva Campetti
 00123 Roma (RM)




See MiC policy for admission benefits.

Free admission on the first Sunday of the month and April 25, June 2 and November 4. No reservation is needed for individuals and small groups (up to 10 people).

Reductions for adherents of AGREEMENTS entered into with the ETRU Museum:

FULL 8 € (instead of 12 €)
GARDENS ONLY €3 (instead of €4)

The Museum joins the Roma Pass, for prices see the website

Buy tickets online 

Free entry on opening days


  • 3 months Full Price 12 € Reduced Price* 6 €
  • 6 months Full Price 16 € Reduced Price* 8 €
  • 12 months Full Price 24 € Reduced Price* 12 €

Reductions for adherents of AGREEMENTS entered into with the ETRU Museum:

  • 3 months full 10 € (instead of 12 €); reduced 4 € (instead of 6 €).
  • 6 months full 12 € (instead of 16 €); reduced 6 € (instead of 8 €);
  • 12 months full 16 € (instead of 24 €); reduced 8 € (instead of 12 €);

How to become a member:

Download the form, fill it in and bring it with you to the ticket desk

*Price reductions are available exclusively for citizens of EU and EEA countries aged 18-25 and other entitled parties


Physical disabilities
ETRU has removed most architectural barriers. 
Accessibility to some rooms is provided for people with mobility impairments through alternative routes, elevators, and stair lifts (not yet approved for motorized chairs). A wheelchair is available at the entrance upon request..

Visual impairments
ETRU routinely organises events and activities for blind or visually impaired visitors. 
Upon request, the Museum can provide visually impaired visitors with tactile reproductions that complement room visits. This website has instruments to support browsing by visually impaired people: a character magnifier function (symbol A A) and contrast function. 

Also, on request, visitors can take part in guided tactile tours held by specialist staff.  

Hearing disabilities
ETRU has made available the LIS Videoguide of the National Etruscan Museum of Villa Giulia and Villa Poniatowski. It can be downloaded free of charge from the Apple and Android Market Stores or used online.
Go to the Instruments for your visit section to download the app or to access the on-line LIS Videoguide

For information and reservations contact Vittoria Lecce or Luca Mazzocco by telephone on 06 3226571 or by email


Instruments for your visit

You can get even more out of your experience at ETRU with audio guides, illustrated guides, guided tours, games and apps that will enable you to learn more about the Museum, its collections, and the Etruscan world.



To prepare for the visit, you can download the map of the museum, to bring it with you, or in paper format or on your tablet.


Game for kids

Download and print the brochure with the activities that children can do during the visit 


Download and print the brochure

IT version
guided tour

Guided tours for groups and schools

When you book in advance, ETRU can organise guided tours. Tours are conducted by ArteInGioco, are subject to payment and can be provided in Italian, English, French, Spanish and German.

Free booking is required for school groups and groups of numerous adults, also in case of own guide, to avoid overcrowding and guarantee a better enjoyment of the visit: to book contact:

+39 06 88 03 562 (8.30am to 1pm)
+39 333 953 38 62


ETRU guides

The Bookshop has the Museum guide in Italian and stocks a selection of short bilingual guides (Italian-English; French-German; Spanish-Russian), as well as many books on the Etruscans.

guides multimedia

Audio guides

In the Bookshop you can hire audio guides in Italian, English, French or German, Spanish and Russian for a price of 5 €. 

guides multimedia

Videoguida LIS

La VideoguidaLIS del Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia e Villa Poniatowski può essere scaricata gratuitamente sui Market Store Apple e Android o può essere utilizzata on-line sulla piattaforma nazionale

Nelle VideoguidaLIS sono disponibili video divisi in argomenti oltre la galleria fotografica e i contatti, che accompagneranno gli utenti nella visita con il benvenuto del traduttore in LIS, gli avvisi e i consigli per la visita.

I testi sono stati redatti dal personale del Museo con il coordinamento della dott.ssa Lecce.


Scarica l'app per APPLE:

Scarica l'app per ANDROID:

Videoguida on-line

Mi Rasna, a game for mobile devices

Created in cooperation with ETRU, the game Mi Rasna – Io sono etrusco (“Mi Rasna – I am Etruscan”) allows users to immerse themselves in the ancient Etruscan civilisation. The game’s historical setting covers a large geographical area comprising modern-day Tuscany, Umbria and Lazio.



Here you can download the game produced by Entertainment Game Apps in cooperation with ETRU and other museums.

Mi Rasna app

Alla scoperta degli Etruschi su izi.TRAVEL

Scarica dall'app Izi.TRAVEL l'itinerario dedicato al Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia e ai suoi capolavori. Nato dal progetto di tesi della dott.ssa Tiziana Galletti, realizzato con il supporto del personale del Museo. 


Scoprite il percorso! 


Etru virtual tour

Il Virtual Tour 360° del Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia è stato messo a completa disposizione dall’Associazione Culturale Una Quantum Inc. (, ed è stato creato dalla Dott.ssa Martina Frau, conservatrice dei beni architettonici e ambientali, e dall’Ing. Valerio De Luca con la consulenza scientifica della Dott.ssa Antonietta Simonelli, funzionaria archeologa del Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia e del Dott. Paolo Rosati, archeologo dell’Università “La Sapienza” di Roma.


Appasseggio: Strolling with the Etruscans

The Appasseggio – La cultura della passeggiata app offers various Etruscan routes and itineraries through ETRU’s rooms and in some extremely interesting areas in southern Etruria. 
This project is curated by the Superintendence for the Archaeological Heritage of Latium and Southern Etruria and is organised by the cultural association GoTellGo.


Download the app or the routes

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