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A museum to be experienced

Discover ETRU directly with dedicated programmes for schools, families, enthusiasts, groups, university students and researchers or join our community and take part in our events by becoming a Museum member


adult enthusiast researcher student member


Our MuseumETRUTv Youtube Channel offers a rich assortment of videos, divided into different playlists to suit the interests of those who want to prepare before their visit or who want to relive some of the lectures that took place in our museum.

researcher student

Access to archives and storerooms

Access to the photographic Archive, documents Archive and ETRU’s storage areas can be requested for study and research purposes.

For further details, visit the page Archives, library and warehouses



You can apply for apprenticeships. ETRU has apprenticeship agreements with a number of Italian and foreign universities. 

researcher student

Guided tours for students and researchers

On request, ETRU can organise guided tours for university students (undergraduate and Master courses) and researchers.

visitor with a disability

Guided tours for blind and visually impaired visitors

Upon request, ETRU can provide visually impaired visitors with tactile reproductions that complement room visits.
The Museum routinely organises events and activities for blind or visually impaired visitors.


Vittoria Lecce or Luca Mazzocco
+39 06 322 65 71


Teacher training

ETRU is accredited for teacher training purposes by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR).                     
No training courses are currently active.


Work-experience school programmes

Work-experience school programmes can be agreed for high schools.


Exclusive events for Members

Members have access to exclusive guided tours, exceptional openings of spaces that are not normally accessible to the public, conferences and detailed studies, discounts at the bookshop.
Find out how to subscribe.


Guided tours and schools workshops

ETRU has a dedicated programme for Primary schools, Middle schools and High schools.           


Weekend workshops for children

We have a program of workshops that take place on Saturday afternoon curated by the Educational Services of the Museum in collaboration with Arte in Gioco.
The workshops, unless otherwise indicated, are intended for children aged 5 and over and are held from 16.30 to 18.00

Reservations required by 6 pm on the Friday before the workshop at the email address


adult family group

Guided tours

With advance booking we can organise guided tours designed for different age groups and different interests. Tours are available in Italian, English, French, Spanish or German.


+39 3313974399 - +39 3389084544

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