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Museo Etru is a place of interpretation, research and dissemination thanks to important national and international collaborations


Museo ETRU  ha stipulato accordi e convenzioni con Istituzioni pubbliche e private per agevolare l’accesso del pubblico alle collezioni e ai giardini della Villa con riduzioni sul biglietto d’ingresso. Scopri le Agevolazioni attive.

Veio Regional Park Authority (05/08/2024)
The agreement aims to increase accessibility, opening to the public and use of the Etruscan Sanctuary of Portonaccio.

Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata, Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Bibliotheca Hertziana - Istituto Max Planck per la storia dell'arte (16/12/2021)
Framework agreement for the design and implementation of study and research, enhancement, promotion and dissemination activities and projects concerning the suburban villa of Pope Julius III (1550-1555), seat of the National Etruscan Museum of Villa Giulia

Centro di Ricerca DigiLab della Sapienza Università di Roma (13/10/2021)
Convention for the implementation of joint projects in the field of research and development, sectoral training, and in the development of European projects, research initiatives and networks in the field of cultural heritage and culture and European citizenship.

Link Campus University (10/02/2021)
Collaboration agreement for the identification of joint actions in the field of training and research and awareness-raising initiatives on shared activities.

Leuven University (27/01/2021)
Collaboration agreement for the realization of common projects as far as training and research.

Istituto di Scienze del Patrimonio Culturale del Consiglio nazionale delle Ricerche - Museo dell’Agro Veientano del Comune di Formello (RM) - Istituto Centrale per l’Archeologia del Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali e per il Turismo (ICA) (17/11/2020)
Agreement for project concerning scientific research, enhacement activities and for the organisation of the exhibition "Veio mai vista"

Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra dell’Università degli Studi di Firenze (27/03/2018)
Cooperation for scientific research and enhancement activities


Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (09/04/2024)
Scientific collaboration agreement to regulate the conditions and methods of preparation, presentation and implementation of joint projects (and related Implementation Agreements) aimed at the conservation of cultural heritage and the development of research, diagnostics and, more generally, laboratory practice.

Dipartimento Scuola, Lavoro e Formazione Professionale di Roma Capitale (17/09/2024)
Operational agreement for the inclusion in the "Map of the Educating City" 2024-25 of the projects proposed by this Museum and approved by the Department of School, Labor and Vocational Training of the City of Rome 

Università degli Studi della Tuscia, l’Università della Campania ‘Luigi Vanvitelli’, Università di Urbino 'Carlo Bo' and Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität (29/04/2021)

Agreement for an integrated and multidisciplinary scientific project for the study, edition and enhancement of the finds from the necropolis of Monte Abatone (Cerveteri).



Università del Salento
Sapienza Università di Roma
Università degli Studi Roma 3
Università degli Studi di Ferrara
Università degli Studi della Basilicata
Richmond University

work experience for school students

Liceo Classico Statale Ennio Quirino Visconti di Roma (15/01/2025)
Agreement for the activation of the path for transversal skills and guidance (PCTO) "Come nasce un museo",

Istituto di Istruzione Superiore Giorgi - Woolf di Roma (04/12/2024)
Agreement for the activation of the path for transversal skills and guidance (PCTO) "Gli artisti del XX secolo e gli Etruschi". 

Liceo Classico e Linguistico Aristofane di Roma (23/09/2024)
Agreement for the activation of the path for transversal skills and guidance (PCTO) "Un patrimonio da proteggere",

Istituto Tecnico Agrario Giuseppe Garibaldi di Roma (27/05/2021) 
Agreement for the activation of the path for transversal skills and guidance (PCTO) "Vigna Etrusca", a multi-year project

Istituto Comprensivo "9° Cuoco - Schipa" di Napoli (29/01/2021)


Associazione di Volontariato "Corpo Italiano di San Lazzaro - Gruppo Civitas Romae - O. D. V." (13/03/2025)
As far as the Veio archaeological park is concerned, the protocol provides for active collaboration in the organisation of a service for the use, control, monitoring, reporting of critical issues, and violations through the protection of areas of historical and archaeological value in favour of greater tourist and excursion use

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile dell'Università degli Studi di Salerno (26/02/2025)
As far as the Archaeological Park of Veio is concerned, the protocol provides for studies and research, survey and direct reading of the material and construction specificities of the archaeological artifacts with the identification of the most recurrent phenomena of instability and degradation, studies and analyses for the identification of methodological guidelines for the restoration of archaeological artifacts, previous interventions for the museum and for the improvement of the use of the site 

Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli IRCCS (07/02/2025)
Joint planning of cultural initiatives to promote moments of cultural interest, well-being and rehabilitation for patients in treatment at the Pediatric Oncology Unit of the Policlinico Gemelli

Politecnico di Torino, Dipartimento di Architettura e Design e Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Ambiente, del Territorio e delle Infrastrutture (27/5/2022)
Memorandum of understanding for the development of training, study and research projects

Loveitaly (10/05/2021)
Memorandum of understanding for the design, implementation and promotion of conservation, restoration, research, fundraising and enhancement activities

Parkin Zone Onlus (16/04/2021)
Memorandum of Understanding for the implementation of projects aimed at the inclusion of people and groups with Parkinson's

Associazione Culturale Paleoes - EXTAD (12/10/2022)
Memorandum of Understanding for the realisation of the Experimental Archaeology event called Archeofest


Centro di Ricerca Interdipartimentale A3TEX - Archaeology and Archaeometry of Ancient Textile/Archeologia e Archeometria del Tessuto Antico (Sapienza Università di Roma) 09/10/2024
Scientific collaboration agreement to regulate the conditions and methods of preparation, presentation and implementation of joint projects (and related Implementation Agreements) aimed at the conservation of cultural heritage and the development of research, diagnostics and, more generally, laboratory practice.

Dipartimento di Storia Antropologia Religioni Arte Spettacolo della Sapienza Università di Roma (07/11/2022)
Agreement for the design and implementation of initiatives for dissemination, education, training and research related to cultural heritage with particular attention to that of competence of the Museum.

APS Sotterranei di Roma - Ricerca  (04/11/2022)
Agreement for the study of the underground environments of the Museum for the purposes of documentation, monitoring and enhancement of the environments themselves.

FAI - Fondo per l'Ambiente italiano (12/07/2022)
Agreement for the enhancement of cultural heritage, through facilitations for the entry and realization of events aimed at the public

Prontotaxi (12/07/2022)
Agreement for the enhancement of cultural heritage and the offer of a sustainable public service, through concessions for admission to the museum and the use of taxis.

Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (07/07/2022)
Scientific collaboration agreement relating to research, development and training activities that integrate scientific and historical-humanistic disciplines

Facoltà di Farmacia e Medicina della Sapienza Università di Roma (28/10/2021)
Collaboration agreement for the design of joint actions in the field of research in the Arts sector for medical and health training from a pedagogical and educational point of view and for the promotion of well-being in relation to skills for Life.

Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Antichità della Sapienza Università di Roma (12/07/2021)
Didactic-scientific collaboration to improve the enhancement of the cultural heritage of the Museum, to contribute to expanding the educational offer of the University through a teaching of Communication for Archaeological Heritage aimed at students of the School of Specialization in Archaeological Heritage and to launch joint projects.

VTS Italia (24/03/2021)
Agreement for shared initiatives that provide for the co-design and activation of initiatives for the application of VTS (Visual Thinking Strategies) in the museum environment aimed at different categories of users and for the promotion and dissemination of the method itself.
To this end, the following will be activated: laboratory activities and training courses (for teachers and didactic operators); promotion of in-depth activities on issues related to the benefits brought by the VTS method in the various fields of application; dissemination and awareness, such as conferences and days dedicated to the aforementioned topics.

Unione Italiana Ciechi e Ipovedenti – Sezione di Roma (16/02/2021)
Framework agreement for the design of activities designed to improve the reception and use of the Museum for the public with visual disabilities, in particular with regard to the training of internal staff and the creation of accessible routes..

CAMS (23/07/2021)
Agreement for the realization of shared initiatives of enhancement aimed at the fruition of the cultural heritage of the Museum and its relations with contemporary art.

Department of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome (23/04/2020)
Scientific collaboration agreement concerning the construction of a device to protect the "Sarcophagus of the Spouses" from road and rail traffic vibrations.

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